*~My thoughts on being a girl, being a mom, being a wife and being a student.*~
Thursday, June 30, 2005
It's a sad, sad day.....
My lappentoppen is dying on me. My lappentoppen that saw me through gallbladder attacks, bedrest, the isolation that comes with being a stay-at-home mom and yeah....everything.
The screen won't light up. So I have to wait for my hubby to ghetto rig it so I can get my info off of it. Sadly this means I cannot post pictures of my new hair. :-(
As if there was such a thing... Seriously though I am starting to think I let Abby watch it too much.
Today she insisted on a net for jelly fishing purposes. She was quite serious about it too. I almost peed my pants I laughed so hard.
I wonder if the Dollar Store still has butterfly nets.....
Meanwhile I'm trying to get her to say tea instead of teet. It's hard not to laugh when she says "Mommy I need some teet in my cup". Sorry girly, those days are over....momma's all dried up now!
The money pit (excuse me, the condo) passed the pest inspection today. WOOOHOO. This basically means that there are no termites wanting to eat it. But hooray!
I have the blahs. So what does that mean exactly? I feel restless, unable to concentrate on anything and just generally tired and sad. I once read that one of the side effects of Paxil is "lack of motivation" so that may have something to do with it.
But, I think it's a case of not being sure of what my next step is. I am not sure that I really want to go back to school in the fall. I'm still feeling burnt out from last semester even though I'm about 1/2 way into my summer break. I'm not sure if I want a career. I'm not sure what the ideal career would even be at this point. Maybe I just want to be a mom. There's nothing wrong with that, right?
I feel like I should have had all this figured out a long time ago. It seems kind of late to be pondering the question of "what do I want to be when I grow up?". Well I am grown up and I still don't have the answers.
There are certain relationships in my life that I feel uncertain about too. And that is confusing and also sad.
I feel like I don't have any of the answers today.
This is what I do know:
I love my husband and my kids.
I love being a momma and being with my babies.
I have some awesome friends who love me no matter what crazy stuff I do.
I don't want to grow up.
But none of this really solves my blahs somehow. Perhaps some pizza would help to clear my head...
Awhile ago I began a 2nd blog ,"my life as a drama queen" to chronicle my life as an axiety sufferer. It's been really therapeutic for me to know that I have an outlet to vent or talk about how it feels. It's hard sometimes for the people in my life to understand or accept what it's like for me to have an anxiety disorder. And sometimes I think that they get sick of hearing about it. After all, it is hard to understand why anyone would be afraid of going to the store or making a simple phone call. And it's probably harder to listen to them obsess about it.
So anyway, now I have another blog to talk about my anxiety and maybe that means that I'll bug my loved ones less...
Hey y'all! I had a good weekend. I got a fantastic Mr. Frump keychain on Friday made by my ultra creative friend Alycia. Saturday we all went to the the Chinese buffet to celebrate Father's Day and my Aunt's Birthday together. We even had a random little Chinese boy visit our table to try to play with Abby....Awww!
Saturday night, my hubby and I got to go out on a date. First we went to Walmart where we wound up playing one of those toy crane games and winning Abby a cool little blue haired doll. Then we went to see Mr and Mrs Smith! which was SO SO good. And of course it's no secret that I love Angelina Jolie so that in itself made me happy. Sadly there was some ultra annoying middle aged man seated nexted to me who kept touching my legs with his legs...ihhh! I dislike sitting next to people I do not know at the movies. Anywhoo, after that we went to The House in DeKalb. I had the cheese fondue which rocked my world. Then we wandered around Jewel and I got to get a Krispy Kreme. I haven't had one in ages! We went home and read the Sunday paper while eating bread and cheese and drinking wine. Today we slept in until 10! And then of course no one was serving breakfast so we went to Steak N Shake where I was able to get my very favorite thing...a chocolate peanut butter sippable sundae! Very relaxing and much eating!
We also got our kiddos a kiddie pool for the yard/driveway. Woohoo! Something to entertain them long enough so Mom and Dad could talk for 5 minutes uninterrupted.
And also, I'm having such an ache for another baby. Goodness. Why do they have to be sweet? And why does it seem like everyone around me is having a baby girl? I want to join in the fun!
I couldn't put this one down. If you like "chic lit", I recommend checking it out.While I will admit that some of the dialogue is a little corny, there were several parts that made me laugh.
From Booklist:
"Child psychologist Gwen has met the perfect man. Alex is gorgeous, sensitive, and wealthy. He is so perfect that Gwen is expecting a catch. Enter her new patient, five-year-old Leo, who turns out to be Alex's son with his glamorous actress ex-girlfriend, Harmony. Gwen is devastated. After all, when her fiance dumped her for his ex, she vowed never to trust a man with an ex around. In this case, her fears are well founded--Alex moves in with Harmony in an attempt to provide Leo with the stable home he never had himself. To further complicate matters, when Gwen starts dating a police office, she finds he's one of Harmony's exes, too. This is a novel that revolves around odd coincidences, but Kendrick's funny, light style makes these situations seem plausible. After all, everyone's roommate meets and marries an NBA star in one weekend, right? Maybe not, but this entertaining novel will have readers believing anything can happen."~ Aleksandra Kostovski
My sweet hubby scanned some pics for me today. Some are older, but I like them. Some are new.
At Cassandra's college graduation, Cassandra and her Joe....
Cassandra with her degree!
Cassandra and our Dad, Awww!(one of Dad's very rare smiles!)
Cassandra's 22nd birthday (February)... (also referred to as the night she and Josh rode the rail at Eduardo's and drank 5 margaritas each)
Cassandra showing off her birthday present from us, a L.A.M.B. bag!
Now these are older, but I like them...
My boys!
Me and my sis at my wedding rehearsal dinner... (wish I was still this size!)
See, we truly are best friends..... Sisterly Love!
Now, this one is truly old. The Mr. Frump fan club: Me, Brandi, Frump and Alycia . This one is from high school and I was probably about 16. (Why didn't someone hand me a tweezers and some make-up? aah!)
By the way, I don't think I'm sick. I think I'm having a huge anxiety attack. And I don't now why. But the more I think about things...the more it makes sense. So I took some Paxil and I'm going to meditate as soon as my little monkey takes a nap. Goodness.
And uh, it wouldn't hurt my feelings to get a little email.
Where did you all go? My inbox is empty, my cell is silent, noone is on AIM. What the heck? Do all you have lives or something?!? Hmpf.
I don't feel good today. I am super dizzy and my tummy feels bad. I believe it's just that I'm overtired. But it sucks nevertheless. And it also means that my day is going to consist of watching Spongebob all day with Abby. Evan is holed up in his room playing video games...hmpf.
Hopefully I'll feel good enough to go the mall later and get some Atomic Pink for my hair. Happy happy joy joy! And hopefully my hubby will be able to be talked into going to the Entenmann's outlet Apparently he has a coupon to get 13 items for $12. At Walmart, $12 would only you get 3, maybe 4 items. Quite a deal.
In a totally unrelated matter, I must have a Ruby Roxx bag!
Eh, I can't sleep. It sucks because it's 2am and no doubt my kiddos will be up at 7. I had a coffee drink much too late tonight (around 8?) and I believe that to be the problem. I also have a lot on my mind. Silly things like whether or not I got the right pink dye. I'm also hot and have a headache. Icky.
Any recommendations on pink hair dye? I bought Beyond the Zone in Party Pink, but now I'm not so sure...
Why is it that when I want my kids to spend time with me, they want to be doing anything else? But when I want to be alone, then they can't get enough of me? Hmm.... Luckily this isn't true for my hubby as well.
Where oh where did I put my refill prescription for Paxil? For the second time in my life I'm anxious over my anti-anxiety drugs....
Why has my desk become a dumping ground for Josh's discarded mail and Abby's toys? Ahem...it's MY DESK PEOPLE!
Why do I always have to pee when I've just gotten my nails done?
Something I've noticed the last few days is that there are a lot of hot plus size ladies on myspace. That's awesome! Naturally I'm one of them, LOL!
I really hate being broke. I absolutely must have a "Kiss me I'm Buddhist" t-shirt, but sadly I have no funds.
Every time you go to the grocery store, you offer the cashier one cent more for each item in the cart of the person in front of you.
To cut costs, FedEx and UPS are considering relocating their operations centers to your house.
Sitting on the floor of your empty apartment, you stare at your fingers and wonder whether they'll sell better individually or as a matched set.
Your spouse is loving and caring but you decided to file for divorce because you need the storage space.
You're the reason they adopted the "No selling your children's vital organs" policy.
ou find yourself searching eBay auctions for milk, eggs and bread.
When your wife agrees to have sex with you, you become suspicious and ask how many other bidders there were.
Just ask your kids, eRay and eFaye.
After a particularly passionate night, you lean over and whisper in your spouse’s ear, "Excellent service, great communication! Would recommend again! AAAA++++"
You set your alarm clock for 3 am so you can log on to protect your bid.
You've called someone a naughty name for outbidding you at the last second.
You've questioned your sanity because of the price you've bid... more than once.
You've changed all your clocks to "eBay official time (PDT)."
You've bid on something even though the picture doesn't show up correctly.
You've purposely run up the bid on something similar for which you paid more.
You've rolled your eyes at the word "antique" or "vintage" used on something made in the past decade.
You've gritted your teeth each time you've clicked on a description that uses the word "L@@K."
You've turned up the volume on your email alert so you'll never miss an Outbid Notice.
You've made "My eBay" your default home page.
You've emailed a seller to correct their description with accurate dates or details.
You've come to rely on "convenience cash" from PayPal and wish you could pay all your bills like that.
You've earned a "Shooting Star" Feedback Profile for more than 10,000 purchases!
You won't go to estate auctions because they don't take PayPal.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Ebay.
I am so burnt out. And I'm finding it hard to be a nice person.
I hate to be busy, and we've been super busy lately. I feel like we haven't had time to just be a family in awhile. I'm so tired that I don't have the energy to be an attentive wife or mother, let alone time for myself.
My anxiety has been a huge problem for me lately too. I notice that the more rundown or stressed I get, the worse the anxiety gets. It's almost as though I have a lower threshold for how much stress I can take before I have an attack.
I find myself snapping at Josh and the kids. I have been dealing with headaches too. This really sucks. Hopefully our schedule will slow down and we'll be able to take some time to relax.
Woah, it was a busy weekend. Out of town relatives visited and my sis had her college graduation party! Added to that was a weekend of looking for and worrying about Josh's lost wallet. It was found, but sadly with all the cash missing. But we made it through!
You say "Wanna go with?" when you mean "Do you want to come with me?"
You know what Kennedy, Dan Ryan, Eisenhower, Edens, and Bishop Ford, have in common and curse one of them daily.
You know what "the Hillside strangler is."
You can name three or four extra taxes nobody else pays.
You know the difference between Richard J Daley and Richard M Daley.
You can use two or three Daleyisms in context.
You can imitate the Mayor's whine.
You say Chicawgo and not Chicaago.
You think going to a Bears game in single digit temperatures with a wind off the lake (and freezing rain) is fun.
Da is a proper definite article.
You expect corruption in local politics.
You go to the Dells in the summer to get away from the other 20 thousand that followed you.
You've been caught speeding in Wisconsin because you had Illinois plates.
You guard your shoveled parking space with an old chair and unusable broom.
You know why they call it "the Windy City."
You know dead people who voted.
You understand the Democratic machine and don't fight against it.
You've never ever considered the idea of hiring non-union laborers.
You've never been to Springfield.
You know a good gyros joint.
You know what Giordanos, Lou Malnati's, and Gino's have in common.
You know when the last time the Cubs won a pennant.
You know exactly how many cars are "legally" allowed to turn left after the light turns red.
You don't know which ethnic "fest" to choose on any given Summer weekend.
Your idea of relaxing and getting away from it all is Ravinia (with 10,000 others who have the same idea).
You can recite many of "The Blues Brothers" lines and know where they filmed certain scenes.
You consider paying someone to watch your car at a sporting event as just another "city tax."
The "Living Room" is called the "front room"
You don't pronounce the "s" at the end of Illinois. You become irate at people who do
You measure distance in minutes (especially "from the city"). And you swear everything is pretty much 15 minutes away
You refer to anything South of I-80 as "Southern Illinois"
You refer to Lake Michigan as "The Lake"
You refer to Chicago as "The City"
"The Super Bowl" refers to one specific game in a series of 35 played in January of 1986
You have two favorite football teams: The Bears, and anyone who beats the Packers!
You buy "The Trib"
You think 35 degrees is great weather to wash your car!
You know what goes on a Chicago Style Hot Dog
You know what Chicago Style Pizza REALLY is
You understand what "lake-effect" means
You know the difference between Amtrak and Metra, and know which station they end up at. You have ridden the "L"
You can distinguish between the following area codes: 847,630,773,708, 312, & 815
You respond to the question "Where are you from" with a side" example:"WEST SIDE", "SOUTH SIDE" or "NORTHSIDE."
You know what the phone number is to Empire Carpet!
You wear gym shoes, not sneakers.
Your favorite melody to hum is "Bang,Bang,Bang-Skeet,Skeet,Skeet!!!!"
You faithfully attended Lil Louis parties at The Bismarck.
You GOT to have spaghetti at your barbecue.
You are STILL a Bulls fan........
You think kicking it outside of White Castles parking lot, (79th and Stony Island) is the "Freak Nik"
You go to Harold`s and order 4 pc wing, mild sauce, salt and pepper.
You have a picture of Harold Washington in your kitchen, living room, family room or basement.
You have ever waited in line at Home of the Hoagy on 111th for 30-45 minutes for a steak samich wit cheese
You have ever been to the Tiki Room lounge in Hyde Park
You have Y made a special trip downtown because you had a craving for Garrett's caramel and cheese popcorn.
What!!! We don`t get a Fifty? Oh yeah....
You drink at bars called "Bud on Tap" or "Milwaukee's Best" -- no names, just beer signs out front.
It's January and you see someone's kitchen chair in the street, and you know that if you're a responsible citizen and bring it back to the sidewalk you will be shot on sight
You live two miles from work and it takes you two hours to drive there
You don't flinch when you pay the fifth toll of your 45-minute car ride on the highway
When you read a big story in the paper about mob ties in the city government, your first reaction is "So, tell me something I don't know."
You know Lincoln Towing is Satan incarnate.
You've paid $105 for towing, $30 for more than one "street cleaning" ticket, $58 for a city vehicle sticker, and $70 for a license plate sticker -- and chalk it all up to "neighborhood taxes."
You pluralize grocery stores and retail chains: "I'm going to Jewels"; "I bought it at Targets"; "I couldn't find parking at Wal-Marts"
You've taken the Red Line past the point where all white people get off and all black people get on -- or vice versa.
You've cursed at a cyclist, pedestrian, or in-line skater on the lakefront path.
You know the significance of State and Madison.
You wonder if the fries will taste the same at Sammy Sosa's Restaurant.
You don't miss Planet Hollywood.
You're not ashamed of wearing a big fur Russian hat, or a headsock with one hole in it, in public from November through March.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Chicago.
You have a happy yes quite soul. You keep somethings to yourself and like to be alone but don't mind showing your bright side to your friends. You find that hell is the worst of all scince your an angl from heavan. You use your powers for the forces of good to protect gods creatures.
Gem Stone: Canary Diamond, Eye Color:Golden,Hair Color:Blonde that goes to your shoulders
Quote:In my field of paper flowers And candy clouds of lulaby I lie inside myself for hours And watch my purple sky fly over me
Take this quiz to see if you are hot or not: www.ruhotquiz.com I will warn you that there are ads as you are viewing your answers, just keep clicking no.Here's the results I got:
Based on your answers and the highly unscientific, fun, and mindless nature of this quiz, your hotness score is 212. You are hot in a Wild and Crazy way. You have a lot of fun living a wild and crazy life. You live every second to the fullest. You don't look to keep up with fashion; you look for fashion to keep up with you. Your fun filled lifestyle never stops, so your engine is always running hot. Who knows what crazy new thing you'll try out next?
I'm not sure what's going on lately with my kiddos, but they aren't acting so great. They are constantly arguing about something or whining or worse *cringe* screaming. 2 days ago the bigger one knocked the little one into the window sill and gave her a shiner. Yesterday she smacked me in the cheekbone with her head. I don't have a bruise, but the bone is very sore to the touch. Ouch! Last night the big one knocked the little one down a few stairs because she was charging at him...like a bull I guess. Is it a full moon? What's the deal? They are normally pretty good. Momma needs a night out! (and some ice for my cheek)