Girly, Girly, Girly, Girl!

*~My thoughts on being a girl, being a mom, being a wife and being a student.*~

Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!


Thursday, December 30, 2004

Got an invite to my 1st political event

Our family got invited to the swearing in of a family friend. She was recently elected to the state senate...woohoo! I'm really excited about going. I mean, how often do you get invited to something like that?

Now we just have to find a babysitter. I mean could you imagine Abby running around howling and the like at a country club? Goodness.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The self-destruction of Walmart

Proof that whoever is running Walmart isn't playing with a full deck.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Merry Christmas!

Hope you had a Merry Christmas and that Santa brought you all your heart's desires.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The kids are counting the days until Christmas

And Momma's counting down the days until Evan goes back to school.

I love having him home and spending the time with him, but he wears me out. If I don't keep him busy, I know he'll start trouble to amuse himself. So I have to constantly have an activity planned. And I have to find alot of patience to get me through the day.

If the kids aren't fighting over what show to watch on TV, they are fighting over who has what toy. You wouldn't think that a 2 year old and a 9 year old would even want the same toy at the same time, but they do. I think that the 9 year old often wants the 2 year old's toy just to annoy her.

Every time I try to sit down for a minute, one of them wants something. Abby is beginning to potty train and she is wanting to sit on the toilet alot. Sounds promising right? Well, she has peed once out of the many times she's sat there.

I always have at least one child on my lap. I have learned how to precariously balance the laptop on one knee so I can check my mail. It gets tricky though when Abby is either crying or pressing buttons. While I've been typing this post, she's put the computer on Standby twice.

I am actually jealous of my husband because he's at work. Now that's sad. It could be because Aunt Flo is visiting, I have the sniffles and I'm so tired...but I am worn out. If it sounds like I'm complaining, it's because I am. I won't try to sugar coat it.

I'm worn out. I need a break from Christmas break!

Monday, December 20, 2004

As promised, my nail art pics!

I just got back from having my nails done....LOVE THEM!

A good mail day

Dont you just love good mail days? You know what I mean...the day when you get more catalogs and fun junk to look at then you get bills. Days when you get a package or maybe even a magazine.

Today I got 3 packages, Christmas cards, and most grades!(((SCREAM))) I was quite pleased with what I got too.

I got 3 A's and a C. Luckily the C doesn't count because it was Math 098 and is not a 100 level class(which counts towards graduation and GPA). I was bummed about the C because I was super close to a B. But on the bright side, my GPA for this semester was a 4.0. I'm at a 3.7something overall. Woohoo!

We must celebrate tonight. I don't care how broke we are because of Christmas shopping. Champagne should fall from the heavens. This was a rough semester for us and we BOTH got A's.

Correction to an earlier post: My darling hubby was mistaken that our foundation was poured. Yes those are my tears of disappointment blurring your screen. I had to throw in a little bit of patheticness to annoy him.

Now I'm off to get my nails done all fancy for the holidays. Except an update complete with pics of Lin's artistry.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Starting my break off with a bang!

Well there's plenty of banging going in on my head anyway. I had a migraine yesterday that went on and off for 12 hours. It was horrible. I didn't get a darn thing done around the house. It's back today although not as bad. What a stinky way to spend the first two days I have off of school!

I'm trying to check in every 15 mins or so to see if I have a math grade yet. I do have one posted in History and I got (drumroll please) an A! I really have no idea how I did on the math final so I'm anxious.

Well AC/DC is back for another set in my head, so off I go.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

We have more than a pile of dirt now!

Today Josh saw our builder pouring our foundation. Wooohooo! I can't wait to go visit it this weekend. Rest assured, there will be tons of boring pictures posted (well not boring to me) as they progress with our home. I'm so excited. It feels more real now that they are actually doing something on our lot.

I'm done!

I just took my last two finals. I'm not too sure of how I did though. There were a few questions on both finals that I just totally didn't know. Cross your fingers!

Feelin' wonky

Wonky is a great word, isn't it? It's my Dad's word, he uses it. But today I have to borrow it. I feel wonky. I am super tired and kinda dizzy. I'm stressed to the hilt too. I have a zillion things to do and today is my last two finals (((SCREAM))). Check me out, I even look wonky...

Friday, December 10, 2004

The soundtrack in your head

Don't you hate it when you get a song stuck in your head and you can't get it out? Last night Josh and I sat down to finish our last chapter in Math for the semester and I had a Peter, Paul and Mary song stuck in my head. "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" Poor Josh had to listen to me singing it over and over again. Luckily I was able to download that song and somehow listening to took if off of continous play in my head.

We finished our Math homework and quizzes last night. *Big sigh of relief* Now we just have to study for the History and Math finals this weekend.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I love shopping

Especially when I get an awesome deal. Tonight I got dress-up clothes for Abby for $.50. Well actually I got her a dress up skirt, top, jewelry and 2 pairs of dress up shoes for $2.50.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Check it out!

The townhouses being built before ours are really coming along. This is exciting since we weren't sure what to expect ours to look like.

Here is the front:

The Side:

View of the back:


I just got a 100% on my Sociology final. Yep, that's right...I got EVERY SINGLE ONE right!

My Hubby Has a Blog!

Check out Josh's blog at

I have the best Mommy!

My mom is the best! She came out to our house yesterday and watched my kids from 1:30 to 11:00pm so that Josh and I could go out on a really nice "date" together.

First we went to The Nutcracker at The Egyptian Theatre in DeKalb. I loved it. It was magical. The costumes were gorgeous and the dancers were very talented. Since it was a local dance school putting on the production, we weren't sure what to expect. But this performance was very professional and amazing.

After that, Josh took me to Eduardo's for nachos and margaritas. Our waitress was the biggest ditz ever, but we had a good time together. It's so nice to have a converstation not interrupted by our children's jibber jabber.

We left Eduardo's and headed out to Aurora to go to Josh's work Christmas party. We had a pretty good time there. It was nice to see the ladies that I used to work with. Josh won $15 and a strange Santa candy bowl that I will be listing on Ebay.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Let it Snow!

For now anyway, the snow is beautiful. Josh measured just outside our door last night and we got 5.5 inches. Here are 2 pictures out of my window.

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