Happy Halloween!

Have a spooky halloween!
*~My thoughts on being a girl, being a mom, being a wife and being a student.*~
I've been busy getting everything in order for my surgery next week. Lots of ducks to get in a row between contacting instructors and physical/lab testing with the doctor. There is also the keeping my house clean and organized so that it weathers the storm of me being off my feet for a few days. Lastly, there is the insurmountable task of sanity preservation.
I got my biopsy results a little while ago. My nodule is benign which means that I do *not* have cancer. I feel very relieved as you can imagine.
Check to see how safe your neighborhood actually is. Follow the link, fill out your info, and scan the map…….
As some of you may know, I am struggling with some health issues. Hopefully tomorrow will be my final step of testing and I will know what I am dealing with.
Today is our 4th wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that it's been that long, but in other ways it seems like we've always been together. There have definitely been some rough times and some bumps in the road that we've had to overcome. But it has been the most wonderful 4 years of my life. I wouldn't trade it for anything.