Happy Halloween

*~My thoughts on being a girl, being a mom, being a wife and being a student.*~
Josh and I just recently finished our desk refinishing project. My mom gave us her old rolltop desk which was in really bad shape from being used and abused by my sister so we fixed it up.
Our friend Gerry passed away last week. Josh and I both knew him from the Clerk's office. My first memory of Gerry is during my first week at the front counter. Gerry was a law clerk for his dad who is an attorney and I was a deputy clerk in the traffic/criminal department. He was teasing me and giving me a hard time because I was new. He made me feel like part of the gang right away. I looked forward to waiting on him because he always had a funny joke or story about a client to share. At Christmas time Gerry would bring in goodies for all of us. He would take us out to lunch. He was always friendly and pleasant to be around.