Happy New Year!


*~My thoughts on being a girl, being a mom, being a wife and being a student.*~
Our family got invited to the swearing in of a family friend. She was recently elected to the state senate...woohoo! I'm really excited about going. I mean, how often do you get invited to something like that?
Proof that whoever is running Walmart isn't playing with a full deck.
Hope you had a Merry Christmas and that Santa brought you all your heart's desires.
And Momma's counting down the days until Evan goes back to school.
Dont you just love good mail days? You know what I mean...the day when you get more catalogs and fun junk to look at then you get bills. Days when you get a package or maybe even a magazine.
Well there's plenty of banging going in on my head anyway. I had a migraine yesterday that went on and off for 12 hours. It was horrible. I didn't get a darn thing done around the house. It's back today although not as bad. What a stinky way to spend the first two days I have off of school!
Today Josh saw our builder pouring our foundation. Wooohooo! I can't wait to go visit it this weekend. Rest assured, there will be tons of boring pictures posted (well not boring to me) as they progress with our home. I'm so excited. It feels more real now that they are actually doing something on our lot.
I just took my last two finals. I'm not too sure of how I did though. There were a few questions on both finals that I just totally didn't know. Cross your fingers!
Wonky is a great word, isn't it? It's my Dad's word, he uses it. But today I have to borrow it. I feel wonky. I am super tired and kinda dizzy. I'm stressed to the hilt too. I have a zillion things to do and today is my last two finals (((SCREAM))). Check me out, I even look wonky...
Don't you hate it when you get a song stuck in your head and you can't get it out? Last night Josh and I sat down to finish our last chapter in Math for the semester and I had a Peter, Paul and Mary song stuck in my head. "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" Poor Josh had to listen to me singing it over and over again. Luckily I was able to download that song and somehow listening to took if off of continous play in my head.
Especially when I get an awesome deal. Tonight I got dress-up clothes for Abby for $.50. Well actually I got her a dress up skirt, top, jewelry and 2 pairs of dress up shoes for $2.50.
The townhouses being built before ours are really coming along. This is exciting since we weren't sure what to expect ours to look like.
My mom is the best! She came out to our house yesterday and watched my kids from 1:30 to 11:00pm so that Josh and I could go out on a really nice "date" together.