Girly, Girly, Girly, Girl!

*~My thoughts on being a girl, being a mom, being a wife and being a student.*~

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Hoppy Easter

Happy Easter to you all! I hope the easter bunny leaves you plenty of chocolate eggs.

The dog (yes the dog, not the kids) got us up early today. She was barking at the cat at 6:30. I think the kids would probably have kept busy with their baskets for awhile and let us sleep too. Silly pooch! It was so cute to watch my daughter freaking out with joy over her basket. I love how excited she gets over things. It's amazing.

Yesterday we went on a candy/egg hunt at the park district. It's such a nice one. Both kids had a lot of fun and got bagfuls of candy. The weather was so beautiful too.

After that we helped my sis move all day. She's got most of her stuff moved in, but not unpacked. It's so cool to think that she's only living a few minutes away from me. I've hoped for that since I moved out 9 years ago.


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