Verizon, flowers, and love
So I'm temporarily on dial-up. OMG, I forgot how slow it can be. I guess I've been spoiled having cable or DSL for so long. Let me also add that I *hate* Verizon! They have the worst customer service ever. In a year, they have screwed up our account 4 times. 4 times they have done something to disconnect our DSL and not once have they solved the matter to our satisfaction. Sadly, the choices for internet on our block are DSL, dial-up or satellite. Ugh!
So for the next 9 days, I probably won't be posting much or emailing anything really involved because it's just so darn slow.
On a happy note, I am so touched by the kindness of strangers. Since I found out I had cancer, so many people have reached out to me with a kind word, a greeting card, prayers or thoughtful little gifts. It is because of all this love I have been shown from friends, family, aquaintances and strangers that I have managed to stay strong and fight. Yesterday, I received a card from someone I "know" from the Ebay boards. I am just blown away by the kindess of this woman. Thank you to all those people who have thought of me and wished me well.

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