Interview tips...
...for total morons looking for a summer job, click here.
First of all I cannot believe that any company would *want* a person who needed to be reminded of these very basic manners. Have these applicants no common sense?!? Gah!
"1. PREPARE FOR YOUR INTERVIEW - You will be better prepared for your interview if you start by asking yourself a few basic questions:
A. What do I know about the company? The job?
B. Why to I want to work here?
C. What do I hope to gain from working here?
2. DRESS APPROPRIATELY - Showing up for an interview appropriately dressed shows the interviewer that you care about the impression you make when you first meet someone. Dressing appropriately means good personal grooming and clean, conservative clothing. If in doubt, it’s better to overdress than underdress for your interview. Avoid sweatpants, sweatshirts, team jerseys, faddish styles, excessive jewelry or make-up and untied shoes.
3. ON TIME - Arrive on-time and by yourself (Leave your friends and relatives at home…or at least, in the car!).
4. APPROPRIATE GREETING -Be sure to carry your belongings in your left hand, so that you may quickly and freely shake hands. (Remmber, a gentle, but firm grasp exudes confidence; avoid a crunching, over-zealous pump or a limp, "Wet Noodle" finger-tip touch). This is not the time for "High-Fives."
5. SMILE! -Smile and make eye contact with your interviewer. Maintaining constant eye contact with your interviewer demonstrates self confidence, shows respect and an interest in the interview process.
6. RESPOND APPROPRIATELY WHEN GREETED - If asked "How are you, today?", it's polite and appropriate to answer accordingly and then follow-up with, "And You?"
7. BE INVESTED - If you are being escorted to the interview site, keep pace with and walk along side your escort. Lagging behind shows disinterest, disrespect and a lack of self-confidence.
8. BE AWARE OF YOUR BODY LANGUAGE - Stand and then sit comfortably, but upright, with your hands folded in your lap. Fidgeting hands on the desk provide an unwanted distraction. Try to avoid the following: slouching in your chair or leaning to one side; stretching your legs out in front of you, with your ankles crossed; resting your arm(s) on the chair next to you; sitting with your elbows on your knees and your head cupped in your hands.
9. LISTEN CAREFULLY AND SPEAK CLEARLY - Good communication is essential if you want a successful interview. Make sure you hear and understand the interviewer and make sure they can understand you!
10. BE THOUGHTFUL AND HONEST - When you answer questions, think before you answer and resist the temptation to exagerate or misrepresent your qualifications. Avoid telling the interviewer what you think he or she wants to hear. If you are unsure about something, do not sit there silently, hoping the interviewer will move on. Resist the impulse to say "I don't know." Take a chance...give the question some thought and answer it to the best of your ability.
11. BE CONFIDENT - Do not sell yourself short! Even if you have had little or no experience, think about your past accomplishments and your future goals. Now is the time to let your prospective employer know why he needs you on his TEAM!
12. BE POSITIVE - Do not make negative comments or speak disparagingly about past jobs, employers, co-workers, etc...
13. RELEVANT QUESTIONS - Do not be afraid to ask relevant questions or for clarification of information you may not understand."
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