Girly, Girly, Girly, Girl!

*~My thoughts on being a girl, being a mom, being a wife and being a student.*~

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Woohoo, I'm a woman!

You Are A Woman!

Congratulations, you've made it to adulthood.
You're emotionally mature, responsible, and unlikely to act out.
You accept that life is hard - and do your best to keep things upbeat.
This makes you the perfect girlfriend... or even wife!
Are You A Girl Or a Woman?

I actually expected to get the "you are a girl result". But hey, I'm not complaining. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to not be so "grown up", to have less responsiblities. What would it be like to go on a date with my husband and not have to find someone to watch my kids? What would it be like to blow a bunch of cash on a hot pair of shoes rather than pay all the bills that come along with being a homeowner? I can't even imagine.

I will 'fess up and admit that I'm feeling in a slump. Nothing seems comfortable right now. I'm not happy with my appearance, my energy level or my social calendar (or lack thereof). I wish I had the opportunity to go out, to get gussied up and have a nice time without anything to worry about. But then reality kicks in and I realize that's not gonna happen.

I guess we all get the blues or feel blah from time to time and it's just my time right now to go through it.


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