Girly, Girly, Girly, Girl!

*~My thoughts on being a girl, being a mom, being a wife and being a student.*~

Sunday, October 03, 2004

So I went to my high school reunion....

Last night, Josh and I went to my 10 year high school reunion. I was pretty nervous as we drove up to the banquet hall. I was suddenly wondering why I had even decided to go. I mean, wasn't there a reason I elected to go to summer school so I could graduate a semester early?!? Why did I want to see these people again? After we went in and sat down with my best friend and her hubby, I remembered exactly why I did NOT want to see these people again. I felt super freaked out, but luckily we had chosen to sit right by the open bar.

After Josh got me liquored up, I started to relax. I noticed that the so-called popular crowd had gotten a little chunky, some more than others. At least I had about the same amount of belly bulge as I did in high school. Most of them were there solo while I had my hunky hubby on my arm. Ha ha. After a few Fuzzy Navels I even got out onto the dance floor.

The only real dissappointment of the night was the one I didn't really expect. For $60 a person we had like the yuckiest food ever. Dark meat chicken, icky veggies, salad and rolls served buffet style. Josh and I were so hungry that we had to stop halfway home at a Steak N Shake to eat dinner.

I will be posting pictures (provided none of them are hideous) after they are developed and scanned.


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